So we arrive and I noticed he parked a bit far away. I laughed and said, "why don't you park closer it's freeeeeezing outside!" And he said, "it's fine, Starbucks is just right there." So we get out of the car and he said "I think you're phone is going off." I thought it was weird that he'd heard it cause I was sure it was on vibrate but I pulled it out of my pocket and I had a text. I opened it and it said this: "WILL YOU MARRY ME?"
I thought he was playing so I looked up at him about to say something like "don't mess with me" but there he was with a box in his my stunned state I said "FOR REAL?!?!" He dropped to one knee, I unintentionally dropped my purse...I started crying. He stood up and I said "YES!" as he pulled me into his arms.
So there, by the lampposts on this chilly winter evening I became engaged to the man who I love and have spent an amazing 3 1/2 years with. I am a fiance, will be a an incredible, strong, selfless, brilliant man who's shown me what real love is like. I thank God for this blessing. My heart, Jeremy Romo, I love you.
Congratulations! Enjoy wedding planning!